Tuesday, June 23, 2015

A week at the SPA!

A Week at the SPA!

Recently I have been following the example front-to-back in this interesting book on a JavaScript SPA using various technologies.  The book is well written and the tutorials are exceptional.

I appreciate the Author explaining in detail the WHY's and WHY NOT's of specific steps and layouts that help to maintain clarity and understanding.  It is obvious through the pages that the writers are knowledgeable on the subject as well as the technology.

Although this sounds much like a review, it is not.  This is simply a recommended reading for those interested in learning about SPA's and where they can be used properly.

As with most technologies and architectures, there is no magic wand or silver bullet for a one-size fits all approach, but merely another tool to help us solve complex problems.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Interesting Interview

During an interview, the interviewee drew an image of a checker board on the white board and asked me to code it on the white board.  So I began to code it using javascript and built a string var containing the table markup to represent a checker board.  When I was finished, he looked at it and asked me some questions regarding it.  So I began to defend my code...
Two days later, I decided to actually build out the checker board from the interview and saw where I could improve upon my original code.  This time I used HTML5 and JQuery. Here is a snipit of the code I came up with to display a checker board;

<script src="js/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            $(document).ready(function (){
                var iRow = 8;
                var iCol = 8;
                var sHtml = "<table id='tblCB' style='margin:0 auto; border-collapse:collapse;box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #999;'>";
                //generate rows
                for(var i = 0; i < iRow; i++){
                    sHtml += "<tr>";
                    //generate columns
                    for(var x = 0; x < iCol; x++){
                        if((i%2 == 0 && x%2 != 0) || (i%2 != 0 && x%2 == 0)){
                            sHtml += "<td class='dark' style='margin:0;border:1px solid #000;'>&nbsp;</td>";
                            sHtml += "<td style='margin:0;border:1px solid #000;'>&nbsp;</td>";
                    sHtml += "</tr>";
                sHtml += "</table>";

I would like some feedback on this, and would welcome alternatives just so I can see how others think logically.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Nashville .NET User Group

I will be attending more of NashDotNet meetings this year.  January 9th will be the first one this year.  I am off to a good start.  You can get more information at http://nashdotnet.org.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Collaboration With A Contractor

Recently, I was asked to work with a contractor on a new project, due to time constraints with our client. The project is being developed with ASP.NET (C#), ajax, and SQL Server 2005.

The greatest thing I have gained from this experience is knowledge transfer. I have been able to learn a great deal from the contractor and the reciprocal is true as well. To be honest, I wasn't sure how well I would do, especially when I am used to developing by myself, and what my attitude would be. I surprised everyone, including myself, with the openness I displayed with the contractor.

This has been a truly great experience and has taught me to just be open minded and willing to better my professional attitude as well as career. I feel as though I have grown just a little bit from this endeavor...

...and it doesn't hurt to have a contractor with a great attitude!

Thanks for the experience.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

The PowerShell CookBook « WebbTech Solutions


Date: 11/19/2010

I attended the Nashville SQL Server User Group meeting which featured Joe Webb as the guest speaker.  Joe gave a presentation of The Windows PowerShell ISE (Integrated Scripting Environment) with some examples.  There was an exuberant amount of knowledge shared at the group in regards to the capabilities and scenarios in which one could leverage the power of MS PowerShell.

…I am off to experiment with some of the examples!

The PowerShell CookBook « WebbTech Solutions

Thursday, January 14, 2010

NUnit Testing

Tonight I attended a user group meeting that demonstrated unit testing .NET applications, Forms and so on.... I've read the books concerning unit testing, and have attended various platforms that discussed the topic of unit testing, and I am still unconvinced of the benefits of unit testing! More thoughts on this later...